Wednesday night was Cher. Great show -- starting with her entrance from the rafters in a gold and heavily sequined Cleopatra outfit... there was a costume change for every song. The opening monologue was a little strained -- but with some good, one-liners like: "Oh, did I cross the line? Honey, I crossed that line 40 years ago."
We also loved it when she came out and told some of her more rabid fans, "Sorry to sound like an adult here, but if you could just sit down in your seats every once and a while, the good folks behind you will be able to see."
The whole show was a nice mix of live music, retrospectives of Cher (and Sonny), jaw-droppingly good-looking shirtless boys on rings, and a great mix of her hits over the last 5 decades.
Now that I've seen Elton John, the only thing remaining is Bette -- so maybe this November, when I have some time.