I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie -- saw it in IMAX this weekend. I'll give it 4 out of 5 stars.
My biggest disappointment with the film had nothing to do with how J. J. Abrams tinkered with the storyline... tinkering with the timelines is as much a part of the Star Trek orthodoxy as anything.
Just as when Spock was killed off in the "Wrath of Khan", sometimes a well-timed death (Kirk's father, Spock's mother, Vulcan) is just what is needed to shake off the calcification in the plot-lines that have become too revered by the Trekkie faithful.
I did, however, expect a little more from the score. I know the composer took the cue from the whole effort to re-imagine the franchise, but too much so for my tastes. We shouldn't have had to wait through the entire film before getting a musical nod to the themes from the television show and the first "Star Trek: The Motion Picture". That, and it seemed to be trying just a little too hard. My opinion.
My biggest disappointment with the film had nothing to do with how J. J. Abrams tinkered with the storyline... tinkering with the timelines is as much a part of the Star Trek orthodoxy as anything.
Just as when Spock was killed off in the "Wrath of Khan", sometimes a well-timed death (Kirk's father, Spock's mother, Vulcan) is just what is needed to shake off the calcification in the plot-lines that have become too revered by the Trekkie faithful.
I did, however, expect a little more from the score. I know the composer took the cue from the whole effort to re-imagine the franchise, but too much so for my tastes. We shouldn't have had to wait through the entire film before getting a musical nod to the themes from the television show and the first "Star Trek: The Motion Picture". That, and it seemed to be trying just a little too hard. My opinion.