The 2008 Revolution is brought to you by the heretofore mislabled or ignored Generation Jones.
As a member of that generation -- and I can tell you that I do not relate to the Boomers or the Xers (and don't get me started on Gen Whine) -- I'm glad to see the potentiallity of having a President who is my age and generational sensibility.
Just to note, as a GJer:
We're now in the position of taking the reins at companies and corporations -- as the Boomers settle into semi-retirement -- and the GenXers and Gen Whiners complain about not getting the corner office after only 2 years of service.
As a member of that generation -- and I can tell you that I do not relate to the Boomers or the Xers (and don't get me started on Gen Whine) -- I'm glad to see the potentiallity of having a President who is my age and generational sensibility.
Just to note, as a GJer:
- We're not afraid of new technology nor are we entirely enamored of it -- ours was the first generation to ditch the slide rules for calculators, watched color television, but still spent plenty of time playing outside.
- We will question authority but not reflexively -- we believe in boundaries, but also like flexibility.
- We didn't experience the "Summer of Love" but were hitting our experimentation stride when AIDS came on the scene. In the gay community, my generation was nearly lost completely.
- We did not participate in the full turmoil of the Civil Rights Movement, but were touched by it growing up -- our generation was among the second generation of desegregated schools.
- We started coming of age during the stagflation of the 1970's and mostly bought into the illusion of Reagan's morning in America... we embraced the Preppy Handbook as a bible.
We're now in the position of taking the reins at companies and corporations -- as the Boomers settle into semi-retirement -- and the GenXers and Gen Whiners complain about not getting the corner office after only 2 years of service.